What people are saying about Landscapes3

"The value of Landscapes is as much in the process of its preparation as in the plan."

George Fasic — Former Director, Chester County Planning Commission

"A long range plan gives the county, municipalities, residents, and stakeholders the tools necessary to plan for the future."

Matthew Hammond — Executive Vice President, Traffic Planning and Design, Inc.

"Landscapes has made it easy to figure out the places to invest in preservation and the places to invest in infrastructure to support growth."

Kathi Cozzone — Chester County Commissioner

"Having a young family, we feel it's incredibly important to look ahead and plan for growth."

Survey respondent

"Most of all, I think it's the people we have here that make Chester County a special place."

Terence Farrell — Chester County Commissioner

"Landscapes is the vehicle for the public and private sectors of our county to create a conversation with an atmosphere of cooperation."

Gary Smith — President, Chester County Economic Development Council

"Sustaining a high quality of place is key to our shared well-being -- physical and mental, environmental and economic."

Molly Morrison — President, Natural Lands

"The unique approach of Landscapes is the concept that Chester County is composed of many different landscapes, each of which requires a different set of growth policies."

Ronald Bailey — Former Director, Chester County Planning Commission

"Agriculture is very important to the fabric of our communities."

Michelle Kichline — Chester County Commissioner

"If I close my eyes and picture Chester County, it is green."

Pam Brown — Director of Conservation, French and Pickering Creeks Conservation Trust

"We are not the creator of these wonderful gifts, just caretakers."

Survey respondent

"More riparian buffers."

Survey respondent

"Local efforts can protect the environment and educate community members on ways to enhance and protect natural resources."

Lisa Moore — Manager, Kennett Township

"Woodlands are extremely important."

Survey respondent

"Protect wildlife and prevent introduction of invasive species."

Survey respondent

"Preserving historical structures can go hand-in-hand with development to create economic benefit."

Survey respondent

"Our history and historic buildings give us a sense of place. They must be protected."

Survey respondent

"Historic preservation and interpretation enhances our community by offering activities to residents of all ages through partnerships, programs, and special events."

James Zeigler — Executive Director, National Iron & Steel Heritage Museum

"Have affordable and fun places kids can go play and be safe."

Survey respondent

"The need for more affordable housing in Chester County is the top priority in my opinion."

Survey respondent

"A thriving community has great amenities like parks, farmers' markets, housing options, and trails, as well as great education and job opportunities."

Chris Alonzo — President, Pietro Industries

"Local businesses are our backbone. "

Survey respondent

"It is important that any development is diverse and that the economy include opportunity for innovation."

Survey respondent

"Working together regionally has been and will continue to be a strength in the county."

Donna Steltz — Executive Director, Western Chester County Chamber of Commerce

"Infrastructure is a really important component in planning for growth."

Mimi Gleason — West Whiteland Township Manager

"As a senior I love taking the train into Philadelphia."

Survey respondent

"Being able to walk or ride a bicycle in your community is essential."

Survey respondent

"Planning is nice, implementation is even better."

Survey respondent

"Through smart growth, successful preservation, and strong partnerships, we can make Landscapes3's vision a reality."

Brian N. O'Leary — Executive Director, Chester County Planning Commission

"Take the best practices from within our lovely county and make the right improvements where needed."

Survey respondent