Resources for Homeowners Associations to Advance Sustainable Practices — Stormwater Management



The combination of heavier rainfall events and aging stormwater infrastructure is causing concern for many HOAs, as most of them are responsible for managing and maintaining their own stormwater infrastructure. These facilities can include detention, retention, and infiltration basins, as well as rain gardens, bioswales, permeable pavement, and other practices. These structures require regular maintenance and inspection after significant rain events, which are occurring with more frequency. HOAs should have a maintenance plan in place for their stormwater infrastructure and reserve funds for their future upkeep and repair.

A relatively low-cost project HOAs can undertake that can improve stormwater management capability, provide habitat, and improve aesthetics is naturalizing existing basins with native wildflowers, shrubs, and/or trees. Replacing paving with permeable materials or porous paving can also reduce stormwater impacts, however, these typically require more maintenance than traditional asphalt. HOAs can also support and encourage residents to install their own smaller scale projects like rain gardens, downspout planters, and rain barrels to manage stormwater from their own properties.

Grants and Funding

Growing Greener Grants

PA department of environmental protection funds can be used towards stormwater management plans.

Watershed Grants

PA DEP's Growing Greener Watershed Grants can help with stormwater management funding for projects including stormwater detention basin retrofits and naturalization.

After major storm events that cause erosion and other damage that could impact water quality and where an Emergency Declaration was issued HOAs should check with the Chester County Conservation District to learn if any NRCS disaster recovery funding is available. This source generally provides 75% of the cost to repair the damaged streambank/infrastructure.

Partner Organizations
