University Based Housing

What is University Based Housing?

Universities can provide opportunities for senior housing. Housing university students in senior living facilities can provide a low-cost housing option for students and help keep seniors engaged. Programs can create free housing in exchange for services including work hours in the facility or even musical performances. Alternatively, university based senior living housing facilities can be built. These facilities place senior living for active seniors (often alumni) on or near university campuses, which helps seniors stay connected to activities and provides the university and students with access to the seniors' knowledge and expertise. Some university based senior housing requires seniors to attend courses. Although university based housing provides connections, it often has high fees.

Approaches Met

Develop housing options for seniors to age-in-community

University based senior housing provides new options within the community for seniors to live.

Keep seniors physically and socially connected

University based senior housing actively engages seniors socially with classes and campus life, and keeps them physically connected to the walkable campus amenities. Placing students within senior housing provide social connection for seniors.

Make it Happen

Municipalities can help to form connections between senior living housing facilities and colleges and universities. Senior living housing facilities can create and market student housing programs.

University Based Housing in Practice

The Village at Penn State, State College, PA

The Village at Penn State is a university based senior retirement community connected to Penn State. Residents are able to attend courses, and a committee of residents collaborates with Resident Services to plan educational and social activities. The community is open to all seniors, but provides discounts to university affiliated seniors.

Humanitas, Deventer, Netherlands

The Humanitas elderly home currently houses six students, one for each hallway. Students must contribute 30 hours to helping residents, however, how they do so can vary. The students do not pay rent for their housing.

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