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An official website of the Chester County Government.

Land Use

Non-Residential Construction Report — 2021

New Non-Residential Building Square Feet, 2016-2021

New non-residential square feet increased slightly in 2021.

New Non-Residential Building Square Feet by Type, 2016-2021

Commercial and institutional uses constituted the majority of new square feet added in 2021.

Year Total Agricultural Commercial Industrial Instituional
2016 1,137,692 217,569 603,912 160,760 155,451
2017 1,358,472 7,866 475,049 71,130 804,427
2018 1,466,203 135,855 842,571 41,308 446,469
2019 975,849 55,584 315,247 209,580 395,438
2020 961,413 - 288,451 183,717 489,245
2021 1,139,151 19,040 436,378 150,111 533,622