Updates from West Whiteland Township

Posted October 20, 2022

It's always great to hear from our local municipalities about what's going on in their communities. At the Chester County Planning Commission's latest Board Meeting, John and Justin from West Whiteland Township discussed some of the Township's recent projects and initiatives as the "Crossroads of Chester County."


John Weller, West Whiteland's Director of Planning & Zoning, kicked off the presentation by highlighting the Township's four main quadrants: Historic Preservation, Transportation, Economic Vitality and Open Space & Recreation. He explained that although West Whiteland was considered a "commercial corridor" for a long time, they've recently become much more residential and continue to expand in that way.

John noted two projects that were funded through the county's Vision Partnership Program and served as important segues into various Township initiatives — the Lincoln Highway & Whitford Road Corridors Study (2015); and the Township Historic Resource Survey Update (2022).

Justin Smiley, West Whiteland's Capital & Special Projects Manager, jumped in next to provide details about the Township Historic Resource Survey Update, as well as their Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan (2019) and Official Map Update (2019). He also touched on the PA 100 Study, the Exton Crossroads ULI Report, and some current enhancements to Exton Park.

We thank John and Justin for providing these updates to the CCPC Board, and we look forward to hearing from them again in the future!

Learn more about West Whiteland Township.