We value the support and assistance of our partners in providing up-to-date pipeline project and resource information throughout Chester County. To assist with this effort, we encourage including links to www.chesco.org/planning/pipelines on partner websites. The following materials are provided to assist partners with embedding links on websites, e-mails, and printed materials to help increase awareness and collaboration.

There are two ways to retrieve the following logos:

  1. For printed material and email, right click the image and save/download the file to your computer.
  2. For websites, copy the code below the image to your website.

PIC Logo

<p><a href="http://www.chesco.org/planning/pipelines"><img src="https://www.chescoplanning.org/Pic/Images/PipelineLogo350.jpg" style="border:0;" alt="Chester County Pipeline Information Center" /></a></p>

PIC Logo

<p><a href="http://www.chesco.org/planning/pipelines"><img src="https://www.chescoplanning.org/Pic/Images/PipelineLogo350.jpg" style="border:0;" alt="Chester County Pipeline Information Center" /></a></p>

PIC Logo

<p><a href="http://www.chesco.org/planning/pipelines"><img src="https://www.chescoplanning.org/Pic/Images/PipelineLogo350.jpg" style="border:0;" alt="Chester County Pipeline Information Center" /></a></p>

PIC Logo

<p><a href="http://www.chesco.org/planning/pipelines"><img src="https://www.chescoplanning.org/Pic/Images/PipelineLogo350.jpg" style="border:0;" alt="Chester County Pipeline Information Center" /></a></p>